Teaching (continued)
2010 Fall , Sessional Instructor, Women and Gender Studies Institute, University of Toron- to, St. George Campus (Gender Issues in Law WGS365H5)
2010-2013 Teaching Assistant/SJD Advisor to LLM students at the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
2003-2009, Senior Lecturer, College of Law, University of the Philippines, Diliman (Core courses: Gender and Law: An Introduction to Feminist Legal Theory and Practice; Persons and Family Relations: Introduction to Civil Law/ The Family Code of the Philippines)
2007, Guest Lecturer, College of Medicine Ethical and Social Issues in Reproductive Health, University of the Philippines, Diliman
2003 and 2006, Lecturer, Women and Law, Graduate Program, Women and Development, College of Social Work and Community Development, University of the Philippines, Dili- man
2005, 2006 & 2009 Lecturer, Summer Institute on Women’s Human Rights, Women and Gender Institute, Miriam College, Quezon City, Philippines

Other Professional and Administrative Experience
2020-present, Project lead/Moderator, Connecting History to Contemporary Issues : A Webinar Series, ALPHA Education
2012, Reviewer/Consultant, Abortion Monograph on the Philippines, Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR), New York, NY
2010-2012, Legal adviser/Consultant to Toronto lawyers, Randy Hahn of Gubberman & Garson and Francis Hau of Green & Spiegel. (Consulted in cases involving Filipino migrant workers)
2010/2011, Steering Committee Member, 4th and 5th Annual Conference of the Toronto Group for the Study of International, Transnational, and Comparative Law, presented by Graduate Students of the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto and Osgoode Hall Law School
2011-2012, Member, Gender and Human Rights Working Group, Interdisciplinary Working Group, University of Toronto, with support from the Jackman Humanities Institute 2010-2012, Member, Political Exclusion Working Group, University of Toronto (Interdisciplinary Network of PhD students from Political Science, Law, Geography and International Relations)
2010-2011, Member, Executive Board, Journal of International Law & International Relations, Faculty of Law/Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto
2013, Consultant/Reviewer, United Nations Foundation, Washington DC
2008, Legal Consultant/Training Facilitator, Project on Medical Abortion, Linangan ng Kababaihan (LIKHAAN) Project, funded by Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Manila
2007-2008, Consultant/Writer, UNIFEM Project on the Integration of Women’s Human Rights in the Law Curriculum (CEDAW-LEGIS CURRENTS), University of the Philippines College of Law
2007, Consultant/Writer, Advocacy, Monitoring and Evaluation of Family Planning Organization of the Philippines, Manila
2012, Legal Research Consultant, Center for Reproductive Rights, New York City, NY 2010-2012 Legal Consultant on the Reproductive Health Bill for Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago, Philippine Senate, Manila
2009-2010, Research Coordinator, MacArthur Research Project on Sexual and Reproductive Health in India, Mexico and Nigeria, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)
2007-2009 Blogger/Writer, Global Perspectives - RH [Reproductive Health] Reality Check.Org, Washington DC
2007-2008 Research Consultant/Writer, Research Project on the Gender Dimensions of Mediation: Issues and Prospects under the NJI-JURIS Project, funded by CIDA, Women's Legal Education, Advocacy & Defense Foundation, Inc. (WOMENLEAD), Manila
2007 Researcher/Writer, Shaping the Women’s Global Agenda: Filipino Women in the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women/CEDAW Committee, Biography of Justice Irene Cortes, Women’s Feature Service, Manila
2006 Project Researcher and Consultant, HIV AIDS Report Card International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), United Kingdom
2006, Training Team Member and Resource Person, UNIFEM Regional Workshop on CEDAW Training Materials, Women and Gender Institute, Miriam College, Quezon City, Philippines
2006, Project Consultant, UNIFEM-CIDA Project on CEDAW, Women and Gender Institute, Miriam College, Quezon City, Philippines
2005-2006 , Project Consultant, Family Planning Organization of the Philippines, with support from the UNFPA
2005, Project Development Consultant, Women's Legal Education, Advocacy & Defense Foundation, Inc. (WOMENLEAD), Manila
2001-2005, Founding Executive Director, Women's Legal Education, Advocacy & Defense Foundation, Inc. (WOMENLEAD), Manila
2000, Executive Director, Women's Legal Bureau, Inc., Manila
1997-1999, Program Coordinator/Staff Lawyer, Feminist Legal Services and Development, Women's Legal Bureau, Inc., Manila
1997-1998, Legal Consultant, Direct Legal Services, Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center-LRC/KSK Friends of the Earth Philippines
1996-1997, Program Coordinator/Lawyer, Direct Legal Services, Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center-LRC/KSK, Friends of the Earth Philippines
1996, Issue Editor, Philippine Natural Resource Law Journal, Vol 7, no. 2
1995-1996, Staff Lawyer, Direct Legal Services, Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center LRC/KSK, Friends of the Earth Philippines
1991, Legal Researcher, Women's Legal Bureau, Inc., Manila
1989-1990, Contributor/Writer, Philippine News and Features, MIDWEEK Magazine, Manila